Sunday 29 January 2012

California passes new auto emission rules (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO ? Seeking to influence other states and Washington, California air regulators passed sweeping auto emission standards Friday that include a mandate to have 1.4 million electric and hybrid vehicles on state roads by 2025.

The California Air Resources Board unanimously approved the new rules that require that one in seven of the new cars sold in the state in 2025 be an electric or other zero-emission vehicle.

The plan also mandates a 75 percent reduction in smog-forming pollutants by 2025, and a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from today's standards.

Automakers worked with the board and federal regulators on the greenhouse gas mandates in an effort to create one national standard for those pollutants.

"Today's vote ... represents a new chapter for clean cars in California and in the nation as a whole," said Mary Nichols, the board's chairman. "Californians have always loved their cars. We buy a lot of them and drive them. Now we will have cleaner and more efficient cars to love."

California's auto emissions standards are influential and often more strict than federal rules. The state began passing regulations for cleaner cars in the 1960s to help ease some of the world's worst smog, and has since helped spur the auto industry's innovations in emissions-control technology.

Currently 14 other states ? including New York, Washington and Massachusetts ? have adopted California's smog emissions rules as their own.

California has also previously set zero-emissions vehicle mandates, which 10 other states have also currently adopted.

Companies including Ford Motor Corp., Chrysler Group LLC, General Motors Co., Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. and others submitted testimony Thursday supportive of the new standards.

Some of the companies protested the inclusion of a system that will give some automakers credit toward their zero-emission vehicle mandate for exceeding federal greenhouse gas emissions standards in other cars. These credits, which can be used to reduce the number of clean vehicles made, can be used from 2018-2021.

Some called it a loophole that will take hundreds of thousands of clean cars off the road, hurting the emerging market for these vehicles.

"This is a temporary way station," Nichols said about the credits. "But by 2021 all companies will be producing the full complement of zero-emission vehicles."

Trade groups representing auto dealers worried that the new regulations would increase the costs of vehicles for consumers and stifle the industry's growth.

The California New Car Dealers Association and other industry groups representing those who sell cars said the board is overestimating consumer demand for electric vehicles and other so-called "zero-emission vehicles."

Dealers are concerned that the regulations will lead to higher costs in all cars, and say consumers have been slow to warm to electric and other zero-emission vehicles.

Board member Sandra Berg, who said she drives the all-electric Nissan Leaf, said before the vote that regulators need to take consumer behavior and choice seriously in this equation.

She said a lot of work must be done to educate dealers to sell the new generation of cars.

"Early adopters (of electric cars) are willing to go without heat to save the miles they need to get to their destination, but that is not going to help grow the consumer base," Berg said, referring to the range issues with some current electric vehicles.

The board's research staff disputes the argument from dealers that the mandates for new technology will increase costs for cars. They point to steady increases in hybrid and other sales and argue that fuel cost savings will make up for any vehicle price increase.

"Our research shows a $1,400 to $1,900 car price increase. But over the life of the vehicles, the owners save $6,000 in reduced fuel and maintenance costs," board spokesman David Clegern said.

One of the nation's foremost consumer groups, the Consumers' Union, the policy and advocacy division of Consumer Reports, supported the changes.

The rules will "protect consumers by encouraging the development of cleaner, more efficient cars that save families money, help reduce the American economy's vulnerability to oil price shocks and reduce harmful air pollution," according to a letter from the group.


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Saturday 28 January 2012

Sundance doc examines costs of US war on drugs (AP)

PARK CITY, Utah ? Eugene Jarecki's documentary at the Sundance Film Festival looks at the cost of America's war on drugs ? its social and human as well as financial cost.

With "The House I Live In," the filmmaker takes a close-up look at the results of U.S. drug policy.

Jarecki said he was moved to explore the issue because, while his parents escaped persecution in Nazi Germany, he sees another kind of Holocaust taking place in poor communities hit by harsh drug laws and mandatory minimum sentences.

The film includes interviews with inmates, dealers, narcotics officers, judges, professors and historians.

Jarecki argued that American drug laws have targeted minorities since the 1800s, and the lack of opportunities that continue to exist in poor and minority neighborhoods create an environment in which drug use and sales seem like a viable choice.

"To go down to a drug corner in the inner city is the rational act of somebody going to work in the only company that exists in a company town," said journalist and creator of HBO's "The Wire" David Simon, who is featured in the film.

Jarecki said that in communities plagued by unemployment, violence, absentee parents and overcrowded schools, people often turn to drugs to self-medicate, then find themselves addicted.

"Now you've got that dangerous cocktail of a user who's also a seller, and so many of the people I talked to are that," he said. "What they are not is violent. What they are not is a threat to you and me. And we are putting them away for sentences that are worse than the sentences we give to people who are violent." He said the United States is "the world's largest jailer."

He attributes the problem in part to fear-mongering by politicians wanting to appear tough on crime, so they target drug users and sellers with hefty prison sentences. But that cycle of incarceration creates more poverty, more absentee parents, more unemployment and more pain from which to escape.

Jarecki's other documentaries include "Freakonomics" and "Why We Fight," which won the Grand Jury prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.

Awards for this year's festival will be presented Saturday. Sundance continues through Sunday.


AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen is on Twitter:




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Thursday 26 January 2012

Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men: Pull the Plug!

Two and a Half Men is one of the top 10 most-watched shows on television.

But Charlie Sheen either doesn't know this or doesn't care, because he made his feelings on the sitcom well known during a press conference in Miami this week.

"I don’t think it should go on past this year," the actor said. "I just think that people are there because there’s nowhere else to go."

Charlie Sheen in Miami

Of course, Sheen plans to change that with his FX sitcom, Anger Management. Proving that he's not an entirely changed man, the star promised the series - which will start casting in March and premiere this summer - "will not disappoint," adding:

"It’s going to be an absolute f-ckin' rocket ship to the moon."

Sheen was quick to say "hats off" to Ashton Kutcher for doing all he can on Two and a Half Men, instead laying the blame for its supposed demise on old pal Chuck Lorre.

"[Kutcher] and Jon [Cryer] and Angus [T. Jones] deserve better material," he said.

Whose version of Two and a Half Men do YOU prefer?


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Rousseff to visit Cuba, focus on post-embargo era (Reuters)

BRASILIA (Reuters) ? Some forty years ago, Dilma Rousseff was a guerrilla fighter working clandestinely to bring a version of Cuban leader Fidel Castro's communist revolution to Brazil.

How times change. When Rousseff makes her first visit to Cuba next week as Brazil's president, she'll have capitalism on her mind, specifically the building of a container terminal at the port of Mariel aimed at future trade with the United States when Washington one day lifts its 50-year-old embargo on Cuba.

The $800 million modernization of the natural harbor west of Havana is being done by Brazilian engineering firm Odebrecht with funding from Brazil's state development bank BNDES. It is part of a vast and growing constellation of Brazilian-run projects in Latin America, Africa and elsewhere that has paralleled Brazil's recent rise as an economic power.

The business-focused nature of Rousseff's Cuba trip highlights a shift in Brazil's foreign policy since she took office early last year, with trade trumping all other considerations.

Her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva valued commercial ties too but also sought more overtly political relations with controversial leaders such as Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - whom Rousseff has all but ignored since taking office.

Rousseff's interest in business ventures abroad has been heightened by the global slowdown that brought the booming economy of Latin America's largest nation to a halt in the third quarter of 2011, forcing her to focus on restoring growth.

Her first major trip abroad after taking office in January 2011 was to China, which dislodged the United States as Brazil's top trading partner in 2009.

Rousseff's advisers say that her focus in Cuba will be on economic cooperation but that she has also asked to meet with Castro, who inspired a generation of left-wing Latin Americans.

Rousseff was a committed leftist who joined an armed group to fight military dictatorship in Brazil in the late 1960s. She was arrested in 1970, tortured and imprisoned for three years.

After democracy was restored in 1985, Rousseff evolved into a pragmatic, left-leaning politician. A year ago she became Brazil's first woman president, running an economy that has relied on foreign investment and smart financial management to lift tens of millions of Brazilians out of poverty -- thus accomplishing one of the dreams of her socialist youth.


Rousseff's trip means she will visit Havana before she goes to Washington - a decision that has raised some eyebrows given Brazil's recent confrontations with the United States over trade and other issues.

Advisers play down any symbolism, and note that Rousseff is due to visit President Barack Obama in Washington early this year, though no date has been decided.

"We have good relations with the United States, even though we have differences in international affairs," said Rousseff's foreign policy adviser Marco Aurelio Garcia.

Brazil is offering Cuba sugar-cane ethanol technology and $200 million in credit for small private farmers to acquire tractors and harvesting and irrigation equipment.

Garcia said sympathy for Cuba in its David-versus-Goliath Cold War era feud with the United States runs deep in Brazil and other Latin American nations that reject the U.S. trade embargo on the Caribbean island.

Brazilian sources say the government would like to see a democratic opening in Cuba and is closely watching economic reforms adopted by President Raul Castro, but that it will not push hard.

Garcia said political reform was up to the Cubans. "We will not tell them what to do."

The death last week of a hunger-striking dissident in a Cuban jail has put pressure on Rousseff to raise the issue of human rights in Havana. Dissidents have asked to meet with her, but Brazilian media reports said she is unlikely to and would only raise human rights concerns privately.


Once a victim of abuses, Rousseff has made human rights a priority of her government and she has changed Brazil's foreign policy stance, most notably by supporting a U.N. human rights investigation on Iran last March.

That shift cooled growing ties between Brazil and Iran, much to the relief of U.S. officials in Washington who see the chance for better relations with Brazil under Rousseff.

In his last year in power, Rousseff's predecessor and mentor Lula led a diplomatic campaign to mediate on Iran's nuclear program, angering the United States and other Western powers.

Rousseff has taken a lower profile internationally as she concentrates on pressing challenges at home like upgrading the country's decrepit infrastructure in time for hosting the 2014 soccer World Cup and the 2016 Olympic games.

"Her government is more grounded in reality," said Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue think tank in Washington, who sees Brazil as "less aggressive in tone and less defiant" towards the United States than it was under Lula.

Iran's government is not happy with Rousseff. The Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper reported that Iran held up thousands of tons of beef exports by Brazilian company JBS for three weeks in port out of irritation with her change of policy.

"The Brazilian president undermined everything Lula had achieved. She destroyed years of good relations," the spokesman for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ali Akbar Javanfekr, told the newspaper this week. "We miss Lula a lot."

(Reporting by Anthony Boadle; Editing by Brian Winter and Kieran Murray)


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Wednesday 25 January 2012

[OOC] Mythical Hunt

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This will begin next week.

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Okay let me check the spots left. If needed I will make two more.
EDIT: I'd rather not though.

Last edited by Zenia on Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Okay I have two spots left. One though is the traitor.

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So glad to be back.

You said you would always be there for me...I guess you lied

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Good to have you back Meraradus.

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Okay since two people want to be beings Tonks, and Vampire Mistress.
Are either of you okay with being the traitor?

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Got it sorted. ^-^
Forgot to put this in rules so I will put it here first. As I said this will start next week. Also wait until I make the world post and my charries posts.

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Also these posts are probably gonna be in the 100 to 200 words. Everyone can handle that right? My post may be longer, like my intro posts. Also because I am controlling so far three characters.

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Of course. Hunters are human, you know that correct?

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Payroll tax negotiations open amid optimism (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Negotiations to renew a payroll tax cut for 160 million workers and jobless benefits for millions more kicked off on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, with both sides optimistic of an agreement despite last year's bitter battles over President Barack Obama's jobs proposals.

The House-Senate talks will focus chiefly on finding ways to finance the $10 billion a month cost of a 2 percentage point cut in Social Security payroll taxes that awards a worker making a typical $50,000 salary a tax cut of about $20 a week. Lawmakers also need to pay for the $45 billion or so cost of renewing jobless benefits for people out of work for more than half a year and the $20 billion a year cost of making sure doctors aren't hit with massive cuts to their Medicare payments.

Negotiators face a Feb. 29 deadline under a temporary measure enacted amid great acrimony just before Christmas.

The daunting challenge facing the negotiators is a cost of roughly $160 billion to extend the tax cut, jobless benefits and Medicare payments through the end of the year.

"We should be able to get it done," said top Senate GOP negotiator Jon Kyl of Arizona, who says last year's failed effort by a congressional deficit panel produced lots of proposals that can be used "offset" the cost of the payroll tax measure. "The Joint Select Committee identified a lot of good offsets and so the opportunity for us to get it done is there."

"It's our job to work together here to make sure this tax cut doesn't expire," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., the lead Senate negotiator. "We need to show we can rise above politics for the good of the country."

But given the remarkable dysfunction and acrimony surrounding virtually anything Congress does, there's no reason to assume the talks will go smoothly.

"It's not going to be easy finding these offsets," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., a veteran of the deficit supercommittee.

Senate defenders of federal workers ? whose pension benefits and pay increases have been targeted by House Republicans for more than $60 billion in savings over the coming decade ? are signaling they won't go along.

"I don't think it's the forum to take up these on federal workers," said Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., whose state is home to many federal workers.

As the same time, Hispanic groups, a key Democratic-leaning voting bloc are battling against a House proposal to raise $9 billion by blocking illegal immigrants from claiming the refundable child tax credit. Key Democrats like Baucus have signaled they could accept the idea, however.

Another question is whether to shorten the eligibility period for extended unemployment benefits down from the current 99 weeks or allow states to test unemployment benefit applicants for drugs, as House Republicans would like. The House measure would shorten the jobless benefits eligibility period to 79 weeks, though the improving job market in most states means that the actual duration of benefits would be 13 or 20 weeks less than that under current law.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the negotiators should also take on dozens of tax breaks for businesses and individuals that expired last year, including a tax credit for business research and development, a deduction for state and local sales taxes and several breaks important to the energy industry. This $30 billion-plus package is a top priority of the capital's powerful lobbying community.


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Tuesday 24 January 2012

Obama honors Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins

President Barack Obama honors the 2010-2011 Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins hockey team, Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Team owner Jeremy Jacobs is at left.(AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

President Barack Obama honors the 2010-2011 Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins hockey team, Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Team owner Jeremy Jacobs is at left.(AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

President Barak Obama honors the 2010-2011Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins hockey team, Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Barak Obama holds up a Boston Bruins hockey jersey during a ceremony where he honored the 2010-2011 Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins hockey team, Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

President Barak Obama honors the 2010-2011 Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins hockey team, Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

President Barack Obama honors the 2010-2011Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins hockey team, Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama saluted the NHL's Boston Bruins for their 2011 Stanley Cup championship on Monday, but the celebration hit a sour note when one key member of the team skipped the White House visit in protest.

"I believe the federal government has grown out of control, threatening the rights, liberties, and property of the people," Goalie Tim Thomas said in a statement. The decision to stay away, Thomas said, "was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country."

Thomas, winner of the Vezina Trophy as the league's top goaltender in the regular season and the playoff MVP last year, skipped the event with his teammates.

Bruins president Cam Neely said the team was disappointed with the move by Thomas, and that his views do not reflect those of the Bruins organization.

"We are disappointed that Thomas chose not to join us," Neely said, adding that the team would have no further comment on the matter.

The Bruins won their first Stanley Cup title in 39 years last June after a bruising seven-game final series against the Vancouver Canucks.

It was the latest in a string of Boston sports championships, including the Celtics in 2008, the Red Sox in 2007 and the New England Patriots in 2005. The Patriots play in next month's Super Bowl.

"The Bruins, the Sox, the Celtics, now the Patriots. Enough already, Boston," Obama said during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House. "What's going on, huh?"

Obama also jokingly invoked some New England slang in welcoming the Bruins, along with the Stanley Cup, to the White House.

"I know you are all wicked happy to be here," he said.

The president said there was no better image of the Bruins' dominance than when Zdeno Chara, the team's 6-foot-9 defenseman, hoisted the Stanley Cup above his head in Vancouver in celebration last spring.

"Which is, I'm sure, the highest that the Stanley Cup had ever been," he said.

Obama drew laughter from the crowd when he cited the scrappy play of Bruins forward Brad Marchand, who emerged as a star with five goals in the last five games of the finals against Vancouver.

"'The 'Little Ball of Hate' shrugged off the rookie jitters," said Obama, adding "What's up with that nickname, man?"

Obama praised the teamwork of the six-time champions.

"Together, these players proved that teamwork is everything," he said. "It can overcome injuries, it can overcome long odds."

Obama praised the team for its work off the ice as well, noting the Boston Bruins Foundation has donated more than $7 million to charities in New England.

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., was on hand sporting, appropriately enough, two black eyes and a broken nose, which an aide said he got while playing in a recent pickup hockey game.

Associated Press


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Monday 23 January 2012

Boehner: State of Union speech may be `pathetic' (AP)

WASHINGTON ? House Speaker John Boehner doesn't sound like he's going to have a fun time listening to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night.

Obama is expected to outline an economic blueprint built around manufacturing, energy and education, and officials have said he'll propose fresh ideas to try to get the wealthy to pay more in taxes.

Boehner says it sounds to him like "the same old policies" of more spending, taxes and regulations that have hurt the economy.

The Ohio Republicans tells "Fox News Sunday" that if that's what Obama is going to talk about, then "I think it's pathetic."


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Seeking Roleplay Partner

Hey there guys! So i thought i would try a different approach to finding some new partners for my role plays. So what i think i will do i will type up what threads im interested in and other plot lines that i have stuck in my head. I am a frequent posting usually online most of time, i can post a good length about 3 - 4 paragraphs as long as i have something good to go on. I love developing characters into really deep character, even today i use characters that i created 3 years ago when i first joined RPG but they have developed into really defining characters.

what i'm interested in:

Romance ( i do prefer playing male characters)
fantasy ( i like vampires and werewolf types NOT TWILLIGHT!!! )
i'm open to suggestions to as long as the plot line makes sense and i have an idea for a character that will develop.

what's in my head:

R.A.T.S: (Regional Animal Testing Site)

You wake up lying on a cold steel table strapped down and locked, you cant remember how you came to this place but it cant be good. A strange man arrives at least you think its a man the lights too bright to tell he examines your body for any signs of injury or illness. Then a five inch needle is thrust into your chest piercing into your heart the pain is intense there's no way to describe it as it affects other people different ways. After the painful trauma you are thrown into another room like a cell be reinforced. THATS when you notice your body has changed, you can hear things better see things better and you have other animal characteristics.

Cellar Door:

A new family moves into a new home, but something is a miss at night cries and whimpers can be heard coming from the cellar. After further investigation a teenage boy is found battered and bruised, extremely thin and tied to a heavy pipe, he cannot speak and cant understand the simplest things from dressing himself to eating with a knife and fork.

Hospital thread:

i love psych threads so it would be a recovery process of an individual with a traumatic past that he cannot remember, he hears voices and can switch from a range of personalities that all have there secrets.

theres many more that keep popping up.

~There's only now, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss~ - RENT

~ If at first you don't succed, Destroy all evidence that you tried ~


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Sunday 22 January 2012

Should couples share passwords?

Live Poll

Should couples share passwords?

  • 173871

    ABSOLUTELY. Those that have nothing to hide, hide nothing.


  • 173872

    NO. We're still individuals entitled to privacy and we trust each other.


VoteTotal Votes: 717

By Athima Chansanchai

Just how much do you trust your spouse or partner? Enough to share passwords? For some, passwords are the final frontier of privacy not only in financial matters, but in social media and email correspondence. But for others, there are no secrets when you're in a relationship?? even risking the potential payback should a break-up sever the happy union.

The New York Times tells us about an "intimate custom" writer Matt Ritchel says is happening between teens in love: "sharing their passwords to email,?Facebook?and other accounts." The desire to be one even extends, the article claims, to couples creating identical passwords and letting each other read private emails and texts.?

For some, it takes a court order to share so much.

But for others, it's imperative to know each other's passwords as part of an open, healthy and fully functioning relationship. Sometimes this comes after a loss of trust, as when one partner has cheated on the other. On the Surviving Infidelity website, where more than 34,000 members have exchanged stories of betrayal and support one another in the forums, there is a saying that becomes a mantra for many of them: "Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing." To that end, nothing is private anymore in order to facilitate healing for the offended party.?

In this philosophy, those who have been unfaithful should share (or make open and available) not only passwords to their email accounts and Facebook, but also the contents of their text messages, phone logs, work and travel itineraries "without qualms."

Many in those forums mention how finding secret Facebook and email correspondences led to the big reveal of infidelity in their marriages and relationships, and we've seen surveys that attribute at least some fault in Facebook, though an informal poll we took at the end of year showed that nearly half of the 876 votes attributed the demise of their marriages with other factors. But 34 percent did blame Facebook.

Some of the teens in the New York Times article who opened themselves up were dealt a nasty lesson in human nature when their not-so-better halves decided to use the passwords in retaliation for perceived wrongs. The Times listed some examples:

The stories of fallout include a spurned boyfriend in junior high who tries to humiliate his ex-girlfriend by spreading her e-mail secrets; tensions between significant others over scouring each other?s private messages for clues of disloyalty or infidelity; or grabbing a cellphone from a former best friend, unlocking it with a password and sending threatening texts to someone else.

Take our poll and let us know if couples should share passwords.

More stories:

Check out Technolog on?Facebook, and on Twitter, follow?Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the?Google+?stream.


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Saturday 21 January 2012

Ex-wife says Gingrich wanted 'open marriage'

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich shakes hands with supporters while standing with his wife Callista Gingrich before speaking at Mutt's Barbeque in Easley, S.C. Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/The Independent-Mail, Nathan Gray) THE GREENVILLE NEWS OUT, SENECA NEWS OUT

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich shakes hands with supporters while standing with his wife Callista Gingrich before speaking at Mutt's Barbeque in Easley, S.C. Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/The Independent-Mail, Nathan Gray) THE GREENVILLE NEWS OUT, SENECA NEWS OUT

FILE - In this Jan. 7, 1997 photo, House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia and his wife Marianne leave their home for Capitol Hill. Dredging up a past that Newt Gingrich has worked hard to bury, the GOP presidential candidate's ex-wife says Gingrich asked for an "open marriage" in which he could have both a wife and a mistress. In an interview with ABC News' "Nightline" scheduled to air Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012, Marianne Gingrich said she refused to go along with the proposal that she share her husband with Callista Bisek, who would later become his third wife. (AP Photo/Mark Wilson)

FILE - In this Jan. 20, 1997 photo, President Clinton is sworn in for his second term by Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist during the 53rd Presidential Inauguration Monday, Jan. 20, 1997, in Washington. His daughter Chelsea is at his side. House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia and his wife Marianne are in the background. Dredging up a past that Newt Gingrich has worked hard to bury, the GOP presidential candidate's ex-wife says Gingrich asked for an "open marriage" in which he could have both a wife and a mistress. In an interview with ABC News' "Nightline" scheduled to air Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012, Marianne Gingrich said she refused to go along with the proposal that she share her husband with Callista Bisek, who would later become his third wife. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

FILE - In this Jan. 4, 1995 photo, incoming House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia sits with his wife Marianne and mother Kathleen, left, during a church service in Washington, Dredging up a past that Newt Gingrich has worked hard to bury, the GOP presidential candidate's ex-wife says Gingrich asked for an "open marriage" in which he could have both a wife and a mistress. In an interview with ABC News' "Nightline" scheduled to air Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012, Marianne Gingrich said she refused to go along with the proposal that she share her husband with Callista Bisek, who would later become his third wife. (AP Photo/Denis Paquin)

FILE - In this Feb. 9, 1995 photo, Marianne Gingrich, wife of House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is photographed in Jerusalem, Israel. Dredging up a past that Newt Gingrich has worked hard to bury, the GOP presidential candidate's ex-wife says Gingrich asked for an "open marriage" in which he could have both a wife and a mistress. In an interview with ABC News' "Nightline" scheduled to air Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012, Marianne Gingrich said she refused to go along with the proposal that she share her husband with Callista Bisek, who would later become his third wife. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

(AP) ? Dredging up a past that Newt Gingrich has worked hard to bury, the GOP presidential candidate's second ex-wife says Gingrich asked for an "open marriage" in which he could have both a wife and a mistress.

In an interview with ABC News' "Nightline" scheduled to air Thursday night, Marianne Gingrich said she refused to go along with the idea that she share her husband with Callista Bisek, who would later become his third wife.

The explosive interview was airing just two days before the presidential primary in South Carolina, a state with a strong Christian conservative bent, and as Gingrich tries to present himself as the strongest alternative to front-runner Mitt Romney.

In excerpts of the interview released ahead the ABC broadcast, Marianne Gingrich said her husband conducted his affair with Callista "in my bedroom in our apartment in Washington" while she was elsewhere.

"He always called me at night and always ended with 'I love you,'" she said. "Well, she was listening."

Marianne Gingrich, who was Gingrich's second wife, said Gingrich told her "Callista doesn't care what I do."

"He was asking to have an open marriage and I refused," she said. "That is not a marriage."

She also said Gingrich moved to divorce her just months after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

"He also was advised by the doctor when I was sitting there that I was not to be under stress," she said. "He knew."

Gingrich, asked by a voter Thursday about his past mistakes, said questions about his past life were inevitable but that he'd long since sought forgiveness. He said he expected attacks when he got into the race.

"We knew we would get beaten up," he said while campaigning in Beaufort, S.C. "We knew we'd get lied about. We knew we'd get smeared. We knew there would be nasty ads and we decided the country was worth the pain."

Gingrich spokesman R.C. Hammond flatly rejected Marianne Gingrich's account, saying: "It couldn't be any more opposite of the truth."

He told reporters that he wouldn't say anything against his ex-wife, but added that his two daughters from his first marriage had written to ABC to complain that the interview was "tawdry and inappropriate." He didn't answer questions about the specifics of the interview, directing questions to his daughters.

In an interview Thursday with The Washington Post, Marianne Gingrich said that within days of asking for a divorce, her husband gave a speech in which he stressed the importance of ethics and family values in American culture.

"How could he ask me for a divorce on Monday and within 48 hours give a speech about family values and talk about how people treat people?" she said.

Marianne Gingrich said she and Gingrich went to marriage counseling after he asked for the divorce, but that he wavered over what to do and asked for an open marriage to allow him to see whoever he wanted.

She said she decided to go public about the details from their marriage now in order "to get out there about who I was, so Newt couldn't create me as an evil, awful person, which was starting to happen."

Hammond, the Gingrich spokesman, told the AP on Thursday afternoon that the candidate had never asked for an open marriage.

"Divorces are very tough and people have very different recollections of how things happen," he said.

Marianne Gingrich has said that Gingrich proposed to her before the divorce from his first wife was final in 1981; they were married six months later. Her marriage to Gingrich ended in divorce in 2000, and Gingrich has acknowledged he'd already taken up with Bisek, a former congressional aide.

The House speaker who pilloried President Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky was himself having an affair at the time.

As plans to air the interview were disclosed, Gingrich's campaign released a statement from his daughters, Kathy Lubbers and Jackie Cushman, suggesting that Marianne Gingrich's comments may be suspect given the emotional toll that divorce takes on everyone involved.

"Anyone who has had that experience understands it is a personal tragedy filled with regrets, and sometimes differing memories of events. We will not say anything negative about our father's ex-wife," they said. "He has said before, privately and publicly, that he regrets any pain he may have caused in the past to people he loves."

Gingrich has worked in recent years to present himself as changed man, offering himself in this campaign as a 68-year-old grandfather who has settled down with wife No. 3 and embraced God through Catholicism.

Last year, he said it would be up to voters to decide whether to hold his past against him.

"I think people have to look at me, ask tough questions, then render judgment," he said then.

But he may not have been banking on his ex-wife, who has been silent so far in the 2012 campaign, to re-start that conversation.

A message seeking comment from Marianne Gingrich was not immediately returned.


Associated Press writer Shannon McCaffrey in Beaufort, S.C., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Santorum claims win in Iowa 2 weeks after caucuses (AP)

MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. ? Rick Santorum on Thursday pleaded with conservatives not to give up on his presidential hopes, urging them to resist calls to rally behind Newt Gingrich.

"If we are going to be successful in this race, we have to nominate someone who is going to make Barack Obama the issue in this race, not be the issue himself in the race," Santorum said ahead of the final debate before South Carolina's primary Saturday. "We can't have a candidate that, every day when you open the newspaper, it's an `Oh, my ? oh, what did he say today?' moment. We need someone who is stable."

As proof that Santorum still has juice, the former Pennsylvania senator pointed to a new endorsement from James Dobson, who founded the conservative Focus on the Family organization, and updated results from the Iowa caucuses that show Santorum actually edged Mitt Romney in the first state to weigh in on the GOP nomination battle.

"There have been two contests," Santorum said. "We won one."

He made that claim even though the Iowa GOP did not declare a victor because of missing ballots at some precincts.

Santorum bested Romney by 34 votes in the final tally of Iowa's caucuses, Republican officials said Thursday. But no winner was declared because some votes remain uncertified two weeks after the event's closest contest ever. The state GOP initially declared Romney the victor ? by just eight votes.

"This is a solid win. It's a much stronger win than the win Gov. Romney claimed to have," Santorum declared.

Romney, who won New Hampshire's primary, called the Iowa results a "virtual tie." Santorum called it a sign that any calls for him to leave were premature.

"We feel very, very good about what this win will mean," Santorum said of Iowa's fresh results. "It says that we can win elections. We can organize. We can put together an effort to pull the resources together to be able to be successful in being the person who can defeat Mitt Romney. Guess what? We defeated Mitt Romney in Iowa."

Santorum is knitting together a grass-roots organization of socially conservative Republicans, including pastors, similar the one that helped him finish at the top in Iowa.

"Everywhere I go it feels just like Iowa," said Chuck Laudner, who was a senior Iowa adviser to Santorum and now is leading the effort to woo clergy in South Carolina.

Santorum's advisers, however, worry that Romney has an advantage among voters who have already cast absentee ballots. With Romney running strong in the polls and fundraising, conservatives who oppose his nomination are trying to build a coalition around one of their own. Santorum said that choice should be him ? and not Gingrich, who picked up the endorsement of one-time contender Rick Perry earlier in the day.

Looking to motivate the Christian conservatives, Santorum urged voters to consider his rivals' priorities on social issues.

"Congressman Gingrich routinely puts these issues at the back of the bus and sees them as controversial issues that need to be avoided," he said.

Santorum also urged conservatives to imagine what a head-to-head contest with Obama will hold. He said both Gingrich and Romney had shared Obama's views on the Wall Street bailout and health care mandates in the past, muting potential criticism of the incumbent president.

"How can you differentiate ourselves on the major issues of the day if we nominate Tweedledum and Tweedledee," Santorum told conservatives later in Charleston, "instead of someone who stood up and said, `No'?"


Associated Press writer Thomas Beaumont contributed to this report.


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Friday 20 January 2012

Mark Wahlberg Apologizes For 9/11 Remarks

'I deeply apologize to the families of the victims,' Wahlberg said after controversial comments published in Men's Journal.
By Gil Kaufman

Mark Wahlberg
Photo: FilmMagic

After a controversial interview in the February issue of Men's Journal magazine went viral this week, "Contraband" star Mark Wahlberg issued an apology on Wednesday for suggesting that he might have changed the course of history on the day of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.

In the interview, Wahlberg — who was scheduled to be on the flight from Boston to Los Angeles that morning which ended up crashing into one of the World Trade Center towers — said that if he had been there things might have turned out differently.

"If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did," said Wahlberg, 40, who ended up taking a private charter plane earlier in the week and avoiding the flight that was overtaken by terrorists. "There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry.' "

Excerpts from the interview made their way online on Wednesday and TMZ reported that Deena Burnett-Bailey, the widow of a 9/11 victim who was killed on United Airlines flight 93 when it crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after terrorists tried to divert it to Washington, D.C., called the comments "disrespectful." A short time later, Wahlberg issued his apology.

"To speculate about such a situation is ridiculous to begin with, and to suggest I would have done anything differently than the passengers on that plane was irresponsible," said Wahlberg in a statement. "I deeply apologize to the families of the victims that my answer came off as insensitive, it was certainly not my intention."

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Thursday 19 January 2012

Plans for Diamond Jubilee river pageant unveiled

Undated handout photo issued on Wednesday Jan. 18, 2012, by the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant showing an artists impression of Gloriana, the Royal Rowbarge, which will be taking part in the Thames Diamond Jubilee pageant along the river Thames on June 3, 2012. Palace officials Wednesday announced details of a massive pageant on London's River Thames to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee year. Plans call for roughly 1,000 boats of various sizes to gather June 3 for an unprecedented tribute to the queen, who is marking the 60th year of her reign. The flotilla will be over seven miles (11 kilometers) long and include barges on which original works composed for the jubilee will be performed. The event is planned to celebrate Britain's fabled maritime history. (AP Photo/Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant)

Undated handout photo issued on Wednesday Jan. 18, 2012, by the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant showing an artists impression of Gloriana, the Royal Rowbarge, which will be taking part in the Thames Diamond Jubilee pageant along the river Thames on June 3, 2012. Palace officials Wednesday announced details of a massive pageant on London's River Thames to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee year. Plans call for roughly 1,000 boats of various sizes to gather June 3 for an unprecedented tribute to the queen, who is marking the 60th year of her reign. The flotilla will be over seven miles (11 kilometers) long and include barges on which original works composed for the jubilee will be performed. The event is planned to celebrate Britain's fabled maritime history. (AP Photo/Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant)

Undated handout photo issued on Wednesday Jan. 18, 2012, by the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant showing Alaska, the oldest working passenger vessel on the Thames which will be taking part in the Thames Diamond Jubilee pageant along the river Thames on June 3, 2012. Palace officials Wednesday announced details of a massive pageant on London's River Thames to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee year. Plans call for roughly 1,000 boats of various sizes to gather June 3 for an unprecedented tribute to the queen, who is marking the 60th year of her reign. The flotilla will be over seven miles (11 kilometers) long and include barges on which original works composed for the jubilee will be performed. The event is planned to celebrate Britain's fabled maritime history. (AP Photo/Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant)

(AP) ? Palace officials Wednesday announced details of a massive pageant on London's River Thames to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee year.

Plans call for roughly 1,000 boats of various sizes to gather June 3 for an unprecedented tribute to the queen, who is marking the 60th year of her reign.

The flotilla will be over seven miles (11 kilometers) long and include barges on which original works composed for the jubilee will be performed. The event is planned to celebrate Britain's fabled maritime history.

The queen, her husband Prince Philip and other senior royals ? likely including Prince William and his wife, the former Kate Middleton ? will travel on board a royal barge, The Spirit of Chartwell, an opulent cruising vessel that regularly plies the Thames.

The barge will be decorated with flowers from the queen's gardens, with an emphasis on the royal colors, red, gold and purple.

Pageant Master Adrian Evans said the barge "must be a jewel ? the most magnificent vessel in the flotilla."

Organizers say the flotilla, one of the largest ever assembled on the river, will include rowboats, working vessels and pleasure craft. All boats will be decorated, including kayaks and canoes.

The procession will cover about 14 miles (22 kilometers), from Hammersmith in west London to the Greenwich Royal Naval College in the east, and will include a vessel, the Amazon, used in Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in 1897.

Officials expect roughly 20,000 people to be aboard the various craft, with many more lining the river banks and an international audience watching the spectacle on TV and online. Big screens will be set up throughout London so people can watch the boats glide by.

Prince Charles will be patron of the event, which is being paid for by the Thames Diamond Jubilee Foundation, a privately funded charitable trust raising money for a variety of jubilee-related events.

Robert Salisbury, the foundation chairman, said major corporate partners are being sought, with the supermarket chain Sainsbury's already signed up.

"This is a hugely ambitious project and it is gathering momentum day by day," he said.

The river pageant will be a focal point of a four-day holiday weekend with festivities throughout Britain.

A number of other celebrations are planned throughout the jubilee year, with the queen and Philip planning to travel throughout Britain.

The queen's children and grandchildren plan to travel around Commonwealth countries to mark the event.

Associated Press


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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Grubwithus iPhone app gives meetups a culinary edge (Appolicious)

Expanding your social circle can be quite difficult once you?re all grown up, but if you?re in the market for newfound friends, meetups over meals can provide a nice distraction should the conversation lull. That?s where the app Grubwithus, for iPhone and iPod Touch, comes in.

Started in 2010, Grubwithus is currently available in nine cities ? including Chicago, San Francisco and New York ? with more launches coming soon. The site arranges meals with dining establishments throughout your city and opens up the meal to anyone in the Grubwithus network. If you sign up in-app, you?ll need to create a dedicated account or connect with Facebook, but if you register at, you can connect with Google or Twitter, too.

You?ll be able to see currently scheduled meals on the Grub page, along with who has already RSVPed and information if the event is for a specific cause. The earlier you reserve your spot, the cheaper your meal will be ? what you?ll be eating is available on the event?s Menu button ? so brave souls open to all company can save some cash while they socialize. Meal payment is done through the Grubwithus app, so there?s no sticky check-splitting needed for later on. Be sure to read the Grubwithus meal etiquette, available in account tab, so you know what?s kosher on your first time out.

The Grubwithus app is easy to use, but if I have one gripe it?s that its features are limited. For instance, the website offers profile customization and the ability to request your own Grubwithus event; neither is available in the app.

Definitely give Grubwithus a look if it?s available in your city. But be sure you can commit to a meal if you snag a seat ? tickets are transferable, but cannot be canceled.


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